API Documentation

Closing or Canceling an AccountChekOrder

While our system automatically cancels or closes AccountChek orders when daysRemaining counts down to a value of 0 (timeline depends on which services were attached to the order), you may have an additional need to manually close the order before this occurs to prevent report refreshes or our system reaching out to the Borrower, like in the case of a 509 VOA status. In these cases, you can change the status of an AccountChek order to canceled or closed (depending on its current status) using the AccountChek Verifier API.

Note: once an order has been set to canceled or closed, it cannot be reversed and a new AccountChek order will need to be made if additional data/reports are required for the loan.

Below is the list of AccountChek order statuses:

Status Description
building The AccountChekOrder is being built. You are allowed at this point to add different services (ex. VOA and/or VOIE) to the order.
opened The AccountChekOrder is finished building and ready for the Borrower to take action.
inprogress The Borrower has started action against the AccountChekOrder.
closed The AccountChekOrder has been closed by the system and is considered completed.
canceled The AccountChekOrder was canceled either while still being built or before the Borrower had taken action.

Canceling an AccountChek Order

An AccountChek order can be canceled when the order is currently occupying either a building or an opened status. See the below request for details on how to cancel an order.


PATCH to /v1/accountchekorders/{orderId}

Specification Details

    "status": "canceled"


If the above request is successful, you will receive a HTTP Status 200 - Ok. Below is an example of the body of the response.

    "id": "b943cae2-a8f5-e911-b5e9-0003ff4f1b49",
    "created": "2019-10-23T15:22:12.967Z",
    "isArchived": false,
    "status": "canceled",
    "loginUrl": "https://s-borrower.accountchek.net/Account/Login?vodkey=b943cae2a8f5e911b5e90003ff4f1b49",
    "daysRemaining": 58.222795108188656,
    "employmentVerificationRequested": false,
    "email": "johndoe@gmail.com",
    "last4SSN": "6789",
    "referenceNumber": "1122334455",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "notificationUrl": null,
    "returnUrl": null,
    "phoneNumber": "706-123-4567",
    "employerName": "Informative Research",
    "ssn": "***-**-6789",
    "dateOfBirth": "1983-05-24T00:00:00Z",
    "address": {
        "street": "1234 Hawthorne Avenue",
        "street2": null,
        "city": "Athens",
        "state": "GA",
        "zip": "31032"

If the above request is unsuccessful, you will either receive a HTTP Status 404 - Not Found or 422 - Unprocessable Entity. If you receive a 404 - Not Found, then the orderId does not exist in the AccountChek system or you do not have visibility to the order. If you receive a 422 - Unprocessable Entity, then the response body will contain the details of the cause of the error. Below is the structure of an error response.

    "general": [
    "properties": [
            "property": "string",
            "message": "string"

Closing an AccountChek Order

An AccountChek order can be closed when the order is currently occupying either an opened or an inprogress status, but should be used for when the Borrower has taken action on the order (i.e. status is inprogress) since we define closed orders as completed. See the below request for details on how to close an order.


PATCH to /v1/accountchekorders/{orderId}

Specification Details

    "status": "closed"


If the above request is successful, you will receive a HTTP Status 200 - Ok. Below is an example of the body of the response.

    "id": "b943cae2-a8f5-e911-b5e9-0003ff4f1b49",
    "created": "2019-10-23T15:22:12.967Z",
    "isArchived": false,
    "status": "closed",
    "loginUrl": "https://s-borrower.accountchek.net/Account/Login?vodkey=b943cae2a8f5e911b5e90003ff4f1b49",
    "daysRemaining": 58.222795108188656,
    "employmentVerificationRequested": false,
    "email": "johndoe@gmail.com",
    "last4SSN": "6789",
    "referenceNumber": "1122334455",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "notificationUrl": null,
    "returnUrl": null,
    "phoneNumber": "706-123-4567",
    "employerName": "Informative Research",
    "ssn": "***-**-6789",
    "dateOfBirth": "1983-05-24T00:00:00Z",
    "address": {
        "street": "1234 Hawthorne Avenue",
        "street2": null,
        "city": "Athens",
        "state": "GA",
        "zip": "31032"

If the above request is unsuccessful, you will either receive a HTTP Status 404 - Not Found or 422 - Unprocessable Entity. If you receive a 404 - Not Found, then the orderId does not exist in the AccountChek system or you do not have visibility to the order. If you receive a 422 - Unprocessable Entity, then the response body will contain the details of the cause of the error. Below is the structure of an error response.

    "general": [
    "properties": [
            "property": "string",
            "message": "string"
Client Testing (CTE) Domains
  • https://verifierapi.accountchek.net
  • https://validatorapi.accountchek.net
Production Domains
  • https://verifierapi.accountchek.com
  • https://validatorapi.accountchek.com