API Documentation

AccountChek Asset Verification: Pulling Reports for Your Company

  1. Proper Permissions
  2. Pulling and Filtering Order Data
  3. Pulling Report Data

Proper Permissions

The Verifier (REST) API affords individual users the ability to pull, compile, and analyze orders at the production level for their respective companies. To pull daily, production-level reports for your company, you must first be granted the appropriate level of access, please check with your company’s Corporate Administrator, or reach out to a member of the AccountChek team. Additionally, not all production-level users necessarily have view-access for all orders placed within given company. To determine what level of access is appropriate for you, consult the following chart regarding roles within our system.

AccountChek Company Role View/Edit Privileges
CorporateAdmin May view and edit all orders in your Company. Can also add/remove/edit Company users for all roles listed below.
Operations May view and edit all orders in your Company.
RegionAdmin May view and edit all orders in the region to which they are assigned.
BranchAdmin May view and edit all orders in the branch to which they are assigned.
Processor May view and edit all orders which they have the applicable BranchVisibility.
User May only view and edit their own orders.

Keep in mind that, when compiling relevant daily reports, you may only need to look at orders at the branch or region level rather than orders for the entire company, and your privileges will reflect this.

Pulling and Filtering Order Data

To pull a list of all historical orders placed in production for your company, you will start with the following API call:


GET to /v1/accountchekorders

Specification Details

The endpoint accepts a couple of query parameters to affect the return results. Below is the query parameters and their descriptions.

Query Parameter Description
verifierUserId The id of the verifier user that all orders must have been created by. This value is always your user if you don’t have the appropriate permission. You may include your user id if you don’t have permission, but will recieve an error if you try with another user id. You have permission to use any user id if you can create verifiers.
after The date and time after which all orders must have been created. Can be combined with “before” to create a range query. In such a case, this datetime value must occur strictly prior in time to the “before” value.
before The data and time before which all orders must have been created. Can be combined with “after” to create a range query. In such a case, this datetime value must occur strictly later in time than the “after” value.
name Limit the orders returned to those on which either the firstName or lastName value starts with given string.
status One of AccountChekOrder status values. The following values are allowed at the time of writing but are not definitive - building, opened, inprogress, canceled, closed.
referenceNumber Search for all AccountChekOrders by the reference number that was provided when they were created. It is up to the user what they provide, but in the loan space this is typically the Loan Number.
search This is an omni-search like parameter that will look for it’s contents as a prefix of the firstName, lastName, or referenceNumber. In the future, more values may be added to be searched via this parameter.
max Maximum number of results to return per page. Allowed value is in the range 1 to 25.


If the above request is successful, you will receive a HTTP Status 200 - Ok. Below is an example of the body of the response.

    "orders": [
            "id": "b943cae2-a8f5-e911-b5e9-0003ff4f1b49",
            "created": "2020-10-23T15:22:12.967Z",
            "isArchived": false,
            "status": "inprogress",
            "loginUrl": "https://mobile2.accountchek.net/Account/Login?vodkey=b943cae2a8f5e911b5e90003ff4f1b49",
            "daysRemaining": 58.222795108188656,
            "employmentVerificationRequested": false,
            "email": "johndoe@gmail.com",
            "last4SSN": "6789",
            "referenceNumber": "1122334455",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "notificationUrl": null,
            "returnUrl": null,
            "phoneNumber": "",
            "employerName": "Informative Research",
            "ssn": "***-**-6789",
            "dateOfBirth": "1983-05-24T00:00:00Z",
            "address": {
                "street": "1234 Hawthorne Avenue",
                "street2": null,
                "city": "Athens",
                "state": "GA",
                "zip": "31032"
        "id": "592897b5-4c2b-dc11-9fb4-0050f210681f",
        "created": "2019-10-23T15:22:12.967Z",
        "isArchived": false,
        "status": "closed",
        "loginUrl": "https://mobile2.accountchek.net/Account/Login?vodkey=ca8206c4392beb119fb40050f210680e",
        "daysRemaining": 0.0,
        "employmentVerificationRequested": false,
        "email": "bethborrower@yahoo.com",
        "last4SSN": "8434",
        "referenceNumber": "5802698776",
        "firstName": "Beth",
        "lastName": "Borrower",
        "notificationUrl": null,
        "returnUrl": null,
        "phoneNumber": "",
        "employerName": null,
        "ssn": null,
        "dateOfBirth": "1972-01-12T00:00:00Z",
        "address": null
    "next": null,
    "previous": null

If the above request is unsuccessful due to incorrect parameters in the query, you will receive a HTTP Status 422 - Unprocessable Entity.

Pulling Report Data

Once you have an orderId for a given order, you can pull report-level information, including how many reports were generated for a given order with a valid VOA request, when the reports were requested, how many days back of account history were requested, and the current status of the report.


GET to /v1/accountchekorders/{orderId}/voa/reports

Specification Details


If the above request is successful, you will receive a HTTP Status 200 - Ok. Below is an example of the body of the response.

        "id": "ba4012a4-3f44-4e21-8959-883b4aa4d188",
        "employerName": "Informative Research",
        "daysBack": 60,
        "accountIds": [
        "dataHarvested": true,
        "currentAsOfDate": "2019-10-25T19:27:57Z",
        "historyStartDate": "2019-10-25T19:27:57Z",
        "requestDate": "2019-10-25T19:30:48.303Z",
        "reportDate": "2019-10-25T19:31:07.407Z",
        "requestorName": "Bob Verifier",
        "requestorCompanyName": "AccountChek",
        "status": 507,
        "reportType": "voa"

If the above request is unsuccessful, you will receive a HTTP Status 404 - Not Found. This means the orderId does not exist in the AccountChek system, you do not have visibility to the order or no VOA is attached to the order.

Client Testing (CTE) Domains
  • https://verifierapi.accountchek.net
  • https://validatorapi.accountchek.net
Production Domains
  • https://verifierapi.accountchek.com
  • https://validatorapi.accountchek.com